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Bible Review, April 1994



Understanding Jesus’ Miracles

By Jarl Fossum

That Jesus was a miracle worker is central to the Christology of the New Testament Gospels and Acts. In Mark, the earliest Gospel, 17 stories of miracles appear in the first eight chapters. Most of the stories are repeated by Matthew and...Read more ›

Inside Solomon’s Temple

By Victor Hurowitz

“Then Solomon said … ‘I have built thee an exalted house, a place for thee to dwell in forever.’” (1 Kings 8:12–13) A vision of Isaiah, “I beheld my Lord seated on a high and lofty throne; and the skirts of his robe filled...Read more ›

Literalism vs. Everything Else

A continuing conflict

By Martin E. Marty

A fissure runs through communities that take the Bible seriously, especially within American Protestantism. “Literalism” marks the divide between the two camps, the two spiritual regions, the two political forces. Listen to the two factions fighting for the spoils within a single denomination—as in the recent case...Read more ›

My View: On Becoming a Male Feminist Bible Scholar

By Marc Zvi Brettler

Had someone told me a decade ago that I would be teaching a course on “Women and the Bible,” I would have laughed. My academic training in Bible was quite traditional. The word “gender” never entered the classroom. Yet I have just completed teaching my department’s first-ever...Read more ›


Bible Books

Reviewed by Joseph GutmannElizabeth JohnsonJames L. MaysRaymond C. Van Leeuwen