Bible Review 13:2, April 1997

Readers Reply

Bible Review

Less Knowledge, Please

Please do not renew my subscription. Your articles, and in particular the letters to the editor, make me see why Jesus said we “must become as little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Knowledge is a dangerous and powerful force—it can make you doubt what you accepted as fact when in a less learned state.

Mary Schultz Orlando, Florida

Cause for Celebration

The “Cancel My Subscription” letters have given me joy for years.

William A. Krajec Springfield, Illinois

How Benjamin Foreshadows Benjaminite Saul

The article by L. Daniel Hawk (“Saul as Sacrifice,” BR 12:06) was indeed most interesting. While Hawk perceptively points out that sacrifice is the leading theme in the narrative of Saul and may even explain the nature of his death (and possibly the fact that his body was burned after his self-inflicted death, in the manner of a burnt offering!), he does not note the connection between the Saul narrative and that of his ancestor Benjamin, Jacob’s youngest son and Rachel’s second.

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