Bible Review 20:4, August 2004

Readers Reply

Bible Review


After reading your April issue, we have decided to cancel our subscription. We were under the impression that yours was a Christian magazine and were sorely disappointed to find that it is anything but! It is bad enough when Mr. William H.C. Propp (“Is Psalm 45 an Erotic Poem?”) takes a perfectly straightforward wedding psalm and turns it into erotic fantasy. (He reminds me of a professor I once knew who saw men’s neckties as phallic symbols.) But you had to go and add pagan gods to the mix, too. [Propp’s article mentions various Near Eastern gods, including Anat, El and Qudshu—Ed.] This shows that you have no respect for the scriptures at all. You have gone the way of most of today’s magazines, appealing to the baser instincts, when the world is sadly in need of purity of heart.

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