Bible Review 8:2, April 1992

Hebrew for Bible Readers

By Keith N. Schoville

Bible Review

Pronouns, Prepositions and Adjectives

“And the serpent was cunning more than [literally, “from”] any [other] beast of the field which the Lord God had made.”

hdC;h' tY"j lKomi µWr[; hw:h; vjN:j"wÒ µyhiOlaÔ hw:OhwÒ hc;[; rc,a} (veh-han-na-chash ha-yah ah-room meek-kol chay-yat has-sa-deh ah-sher ah-sah ah-doh-nay e-lo-heem)

This passage from Genesis 3:1 will help us review some of the Hebrew we have already learned and will introduce us to some new parts of speech.

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