Bible Review 9:1, February 1993

Readers Reply

Bible Review

BR’s X-rated Articles

I will not be, renewing my subscription. Reasons: “Did Sarah Have a Seminal Emission?” BR 08:01, “Susanna—Sexual Harassment in Ancient Babylon” BR 08:03, “Epispasm-Circumcision in Reverse” BR 08:04, “How Mary Magdalene Became a Whore,” BR 08:05.

It is this type of sexually explicit and oriented articles that have turned me off from your publication. You have some interesting articles, but none that I would care to share with any friends, because of the other articles that are in the issue, such as the above.

Jack C. Standen State College, Pennsylvania

Worth the Price

The artwork reproduced in your magazine alone is worth the price of the subscription.

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