Biblical Archaeology Review 19:5, September/October 1993

Queries & Comments

The Fourth R: R-chaeology

As members of the World Civilization Honors Seminar at Sacred Heart Preparatory in Atherton, California, we wish to express our thanks for your superior magazine. We found it very helpful in several of the projects we have undertaken throughout this academic year.

In the fall we were assigned to write a group paper on “Solving the Dilemma of the Antiquities Trade.” This paper addressed many problems with the illegal sale, theft and smuggling of ancient artifacts as well as possible solutions. We utilized articles from many issues of BAR.

Our second task was to identify 35 ancient oil lamps collected by our adviser, Mrs. Donna Gilboa, over the years. This project was made much easier through your articles “The Changing Shape of Ancient Oil Lamps: A Chronological Guide,” BAR 11:02, and “Lighting the Way Through History,” BAR 11:02. Thanks to the clear, coherent descriptions and illustrations provided in BAR, our results were completely accurate.

We look forward to using your magazine for future projects.

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