Biblical Archaeology Review 19:6, November/December 1993


Biblical Archaeology Review

You Made It Happen! ABT Becomes a Reality

“Do we need a Bible-teachers association?” we asked BAR readers in BAR 19:03. We had noticed that none of the vast array of professional and scholarly organizations served Bible teachers “in the trenches”—in Sunday schools and synagogues, in adult education programs and in high schools, in religious schools and in other formal or informal settings. Do BAR readers share our concerns?

The response is in, and its quantity (more than 150 letters and countless phone calls) and enthusiasm spurred us to invite nine of the respondents to Washington for an organizational meeting. For two days last August, the BAS staff and these nine persons formulated plans for an association that would meet the many needs identified by teachers from across the educational spectrum. At the end of the second day, a resolution was adopted to establish the Association of Bible Teachers (ABT) “to assist those who have a passion to teach and understand the Bible.”

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