Biblical Archaeology Review 2:4, December 1976

Queries & Comments

BAR and the Ebla Tablets

To the Editor:

Your comments on the Ebla Tablets (Queries & Comments, BAR 02:03) are a valuable public service.

Professor Morton Smith Columbia University New York, New York

To the Editor:

I read widely in this field and appreciate your publication. In the last issue I was happy to see a clarification of the problem with the Ebla Tablets.

J. Richard Christian San Jose, California

Excavations in a Checking Account

Sometimes—very occasionally—our subscription department makes a mistake. In the case of Dr. J. Edward Barrett of Muskingum College, we sent him notices that his subscription had lapsed despite the fact that he had already sent us his subscription renewal check some time earlier. So Dr. Barrett, not realizing that he had already re-subscribed, sent us a second check—which we duly cashed. Later, he discovered his mistake—and ours—and sent us the following letter, which we thought our readers would enjoy sharing:

To the Editor:

Enclosed you will find duplicated copies of two checks—which illustrate some archaeology on my part.

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