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Biblical Archaeology Review, January/February 1994


Special Section

Dead Sea Scrolls Research Council: Fragments

Who Was He? Rare DSS Text Mentions King Jonathan

By Esther EshelHanan EshelAda Yardeni

The fragmentary Dead Sea Scroll that is the subject of this article has been much discussed by scholars since our recent publication of it in a scientific journal,1 and it has even received some notice in the popular press, principally because it is one of the very...Read more ›

Dead Sea Scrolls Research Council: Fragments

1989 Mogilany Conference Featured Lively Debates

Mogilany 1989, Papers on the Dead Sea Scrolls Offered in Memory of Jean Carmignac Zdzislaw Jan Kapera Part I (Krakow: Enigma Press, 1993) 244 pp., $28.00 cloth, $18.00 paper; Part II (Krakow: Enigma Press, 1991) 294 pp., $28.00 cloth, $18.00 paper These are...Read more ›

Dead Sea Scrolls Research Council: Fragments

Bits & Pieces

Dead Sea Scrolls Become Household Words The Dead Sea Scrolls have become household words, no longer the exclusive property of scholars, or even of devotees like BAR readers. Now the scrolls are part of the vernacular. The Wall Street Journal recently reported new studies in supermarkets that...Read more ›

1994 Excavation Opportunities

Summer in the Sand

Childhood memories: summers by the sea, splashing in the waves, digging castles in the sand with elaborate moats and tall walls of sand and seaweed. You found countless buried treasures. Every seashell or shiny pebble—a clam shell was good, a scallop better—seemed a tiny miracle. Opportunities to...Read more ›

1994 Excavation Opportunities

BAR Dig Scholarships

BAR is again offering travel scholarships to dig volunteers! Last year, BAR announced scholarships to help defray travel expenses of individuals who wished to volunteer on a dig. Requests poured in, and two scholarships were awarded. Marsha Middleton, of California, one of the 1993 winners, shared with...Read more ›

1994 Excavation Opportunities

Diggers—From Paid Peasants to Eager Volunteers

By Kenneth Atkinson

“The best age for diggers is about 15 to 20 years. After that many turn stupid, and only a small proportion are worth having between 20 and 40. After 40 very few are of any use,” advised Sir William Flinders Petrie in 1904.1 Fifteen years earlier, Petriea...Read more ›


Back to Megiddo

A new expedition will explore the jewel in the crown of Canaan/Israel

By Israel FinkelsteinDavid Ussishkin

Tel Megiddo is widely regarded as the most important archaeological site in Israel from Biblical times, and as one of the most significant sites for the study of the ancient Near East generally. It was inhabited continuously for more than five millennia, from about...Read more ›

King Solomon’s Stables—Still at Megiddo?

By Graham I. Davies

When Israel Finkelstein and David Ussishkin return to excavate Megiddo [see “Back to Megiddo,” in this issue], I hope they will look for King Solomon’s Stables. In the last few years, although I haven’t actually dug at Megiddo, I think I may have glimpsed them. Maybe Finkelstein...Read more ›
