Biblical Archaeology Review 20:2, March/April 1994

Queries & Comments

Qimron and Shanks Fight Like Children

Your comments about Professor Elisha Qimron (Hershel Shanks, “An Open Letter to John Strugnell and Elisha Qimron,” BAR 19:05) were a bit childish. And Professor Qimron is being a bit selfish with his work and a bit vindictive by obtaining that court order to keep you in Israel (“Qimron Obtains Court Order Preventing BAR Editor from Leaving Israel,” BAR 19:05). The two of you are like children fighting over toys:

You: Mom! Billy won’t share his toy!

Qimron: I had it first!

You: He shared it with Bobby and Jane but wouldn’t share with me!

Qimron: It’s mine, and I can do what I want!

It sounds to me like he just dangles the toy [MMT] in your face, and you run yelling to Mommy. Why don’t you just go on with your life?

This letter probably won’t be printed. Truth hurts sometimes.

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