Biblical Archaeology Review 34:2, March/April 2008


Biblical Archaeology Review

Marjo C.A. Korpel (“Jezebel’s Royal Seal,”) is associate professor of Old Testament at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Her research includes Ugaritic language and religion, as well as text delimitation in ancient Bible manuscripts. She is currently preparing monographs onthe books of Ruth, Esther and Isaiah 40–55.

William G. Dever (“A Temple Built for Two,”) is professor emeritus of Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Arizona. Prior to that he served for three years as director of the American School in Jerusalem (now the Albright School for Archaeological Research). A world-renowned archaeologist, Professor Dever has dug at numerous sites in Jordan and Israel. He served as director of the major excavations at Gezer from 1966 to 1971. His most recent book, Did God Have a Wife? Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel, was published in 2005 (Eerdmans).

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