Biblical Archaeology Review 35:1, January/February 2009

Strata: Special Collections

Boisfeuillet Jones Atlanta Civic Center Atlanta, Georgia (404) 727–4282 Continuing through May 25, 2009

Following the success of King Tut’s 2005–2007 U.S. tour, another round of ancient Egyptian treasures is now making its way through the U.S. Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs showcases even more finds from Tut’s famous tomb, as well as a host of treasures from the tombs and palaces of Egypt’s most renowned pharaohs, including Khephren and Hatshepsut.

Among the more than 130 artifacts on display, many never before seen in the U.S., are finely crafted Egyptian statues and jewelry, the golden death mask of Psusennes I and a 10-foot-tall statue of Tut himself. Thanks to recent CT scans of Tut’s mummy, visitors can also examine a life-like, three-dimensional portrait of the king.

The new exhibit will be on view in Atlanta’s Civic Center through the winter and spring and will then move to the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis for the summer.

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