Biblical Archaeology Review 36:2, March/April 2010

Books in Brief

Jesus’ Last Night with His Disciples: A Study of the First Century Historical and Archaeological Setting of the Last Supper

By Hannaniah O. Pinto and James W. Fleming (LaGrange, GA: Biblical Resources, LLC, 2008) 239 + vi pp., $49 (paperback)

In each of the Four Gospels, there is a disproportionate amount of material about Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem—especially the last 24 hours—so it comes as no surprise that entire books are devoted to this short time span. One of the latest, from Hannaniah Pinto and James Fleming of Biblical Resources, LLC, and the Explorations in Antiquity Centera (Fleming is also a member of BAR’s editorial advisory board), suggests by its title and subtitle that it is a study of the Last Supper, Jesus’ last night with his followers. But it is much more than this.

In nearly 240 richly illustrated pages, Pinto and Fleming set the Last Supper in the context of Jesus’ teachings and crucifixion, as well as in the broader history of the Exodus, Passover traditions and Roman culture.

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