Biblical Archaeology Review 37:2, March/April 2011

Strata: Cartoon Caption Contest

And the winner is...

“Trust me, I’m a vegetarian.”

—Michael Brewer, Smyrna, Tennessee

It’s one of the most popular sayings from the Bible—the lion lying down with the lamb—but it’s a misquotation. It’s the wolf who will lie down with the lamb; the lion and the calf will be together (Isaiah 11:6).

As for the mouse who removed the thorn from the lion’s paw—that’s not in the Bible at all.

Thank you to all those who submitted caption entries for our November/December cartoon. We are pleased to congratulate Michael Brewer of Smyrna, Tennessee, who wrote the winning caption, and our runners-up:

“I hate to correct you, but the true reading of the DSS Isaiah Scroll is, ‘and the lamb shall lie down inside the lion.’ ”

—Bob Nudelman, Chester, Virginia

“Yes, but the mouse removed the thorn.”

—Lauretta Aragon, Clay Springs, Arizona

Write a caption for the cartoon at above (see Numbers 17), and send it to us by mail or online at our Web site:

BAR Cartoon Caption Contest
Biblical Archaeology Society
4710 41st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20016

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