Biblical Archaeology Review 38:3, May/June 2012

Strata: Cartoon Caption Contest

“That little thing cost me an arm and a leg.”

—Ray McDonald, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee

Thank you to all those who submitted caption entries for our January/February 2012 cartoon. We are pleased to congratulate Ray McDonald of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, who wrote the winning caption, and our runners-up:

“I agree it doesn’t look like much, but humans would just die for a bite!”

—Ellis Lee, Longwood, Florida

“No, son, the apple on the tree was not the problem. It was the pair on the ground.”

—Richard Hueter, Cooks, Michigan

Write a caption for the cartoon above (see Luke 5:37), and send it to us by mail or online at our Web site:

BAR Cartoon Caption Contest
Biblical Archaeology Society
4710 41st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20016

Be sure to include your name and address. The deadline for entries is June 15, 2012. The author of the winning caption will receive a BAS T-shirt, a Dead Sea Scroll mug and three gift subscriptions to give BAR to friends. Runners-up will receive a BAS T-shirt and two gift subscriptions.

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