Biblical Archaeology Review 38:3, May/June 2012

Queries & Comments

Turn the Page

You ask if you should get rid of the cartoon and the cartoon contest (Q&C, “Offensive Cartoons?” BAR 38:01). Please do. The cartoons generally aren’t funny, don’t add anything to the value of the magazine and probably cost you something to include them. On the other hand, if others like them I won’t be canceling my subscription. I’ll just turn the page. :-)

Rebecca Hunter via e-mail

Funny Even Without a Caption

Ditra Walsh must not have a sense of humor if she finds your cartoons offensive (Q&C: “Offensive Cartoons?” BAR 38:01). I look forward to them. The cartoonist [Carlton Stoiber] is really great. The cartoons are even funny without a caption.

Vaughn A. Holden Burien, Washington

Hope They Disappear

I take the Holy Scriptures very seriously and object when they’re belittled. I always look forward to the next issue of BAR. I have learned a lot over the years and have used some of the materials in my teaching. However, I do hope the cartoons disappear. Thank you for the chance to share how I feel.

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