Biblical Archaeology Review 39:5, September/October 2013

Queries & Comments

Follicularly Deficient

I hate to be petty, as I adore your cartoon caption contest, but this month’s cartoon portraying Samson has one very glaring mistake (BAR 39:03). Artists must be free to render historical figures however they wish, but Samson was a Nazarite. They were sworn from birth from ever cutting their hair. At this point in Judges 15:4, as you’ve referenced, Samson retained his gorgeous locks, making him the strongest man in the land. Your cartoon caption Samson, however, seems to be a bit short in the follicular sense!

But all kidding aside, I truly love this artist’s work! Do keep them coming!

Kimberly Myers Peoria, Arizona

Kudos to our artist, Carlton Stoiber.—Ed.

A Declaration, Not a Confession of Faith

Re: “ ‘The Lord Is One’: How Its Meaning Changed” (BAR 39:03) by Armin Lange and Esther Eshel.

The verse “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One” is not a “confession,” as the authors describe it, but rather a declaration of faith.

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