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Biblical Archaeology Review 4:1, March 1978

BAR Preservation Fund Goes to Work

BAR’s readers will preserve Herodian Jericho, place signs at Biblical Lachish, and support preservation research.

Based on early contributions to its Archaeological Preservation Fund, BAR has committed its readers to a three-pronged preservation effort.

BAR will provide funds to preserve—and possibly restore—the magnificent winter palaces of the Hasmonean and Herodian kings of Judea, now being excavated at Herodian Jericho (New Testament Jericho).

The preservation work will be supervised by Excavation Director Ehud Netzer, one of the most highly respected young Israeli scholars. Netzer’s qualifications are especially appropriate. He is an architect as well as an archaeologist and has participated in preservation and restoration work at a number of sites, including Masada.

The dramatic remains of the Jericho winter palaces, which BAR readers will now preserve, are described and illustrated in a moving article by BAR Assistant Editor, Suzanne Singer in our June 1977 issue (“The Winter Palaces of Jericho,” BAR 03:02).

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