Biblical Archaeology Review 43:1, January/February 2017

Strata: Senior BAR Scholarships—Juniors Too

The Biblical Archaeology Society is now accepting applications for the 2017 Yigael Yadin Fellowship and Joseph Aviram Fellowship that will allow scholars to attend the annual meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), held in the same city each November. The 2017 meetings will be in Boston. The fellowships’ stipend of up to $2,500 each is intended to cover the cost of the winners’ travel expenses.

The Yigael Yadin Fellowship enables a “retired” senior scholar to attend and give a paper at ASOR or SBL. The fellowship honors Yigael Yadin, Israel’s most famous and distinguished archaeologist, who passed away in 1984. The Joseph Aviram Fellowship brings Israeli scholars to the United States to participate in the annual scholarly meetings of ASOR or SBL. The fellowship honors Joseph Aviram of the Israel Exploration Society (IES). Aviram, at age 100, remains president of the IES; he has been associated with the society for nearly eight decades.

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