Biblical Archaeology Review 43:2, March/April 2017

Strata: Cartoon Caption Contest

“Could you call Jesus, please? I’d rather have wine!”

—Lisa Herickhoff, Fort Collins, Colorado

Thank you to all those who submitted caption entries for our November/December 2016 cartoon, based on Genesis 24:18–20, 45–46. We are pleased to congratulate Lisa Herickhoff of Fort Collins, Colorado, who wrote the winning caption, and our runners-up:

“What a girl has to do to get a husband these days.”

—Maren Lincks, Mena, Arkansas

“Tap, bottled or well?”

—Carol Cox, Brooklyn, New York

Write a caption for the cartoon shown here (see 1 Samuel 17:34–36), and send it to us by mail or online on our website:

BAR Cartoon Caption Contest
Biblical Archaeology Society
4710 41st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20016

Be sure to include your name and address. The deadline for entries is March 31, 2017. The author of the winning caption will receive a copy of the BAS book The Origins of Things, a BAS tote bag and three gift subscriptions to give BAR to friends. Runners-up will receive a BAS tote bag and two gift subscriptions.

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