Biblical Archaeology Review 43:2, March/April 2017

Queries & Comments

A Case of Mistaken Identity

The object on the November/December 2016 BAR cover (and page 39) is identified as an Edomite goddess. Really?! Fess up! It’s really a bust of Woody Allen, isn’t it?

Joseph I. Lauer Brooklyn, New York

Woody Sighting?

Why was Woody Allen on your cover?

Robert D. Dominiec Chicago, Illinois

Many readers have made a similar suggestion.—Ed.

Questioning Crusader Coin Caption

The caption for the silver Crusader coin of Baldwin III in “Relics in Rubble” by Gabriel Barkay and Zachi Dvira (BAR 42:06) says that the coin depicts the Tower of David. As the tower was built some four centuries after Baldwin died, this is most unlikely. Rather, it looks like a portcullis, a fairly common design on Western European coins of the time.

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