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Biblical Archaeology Review 49:1, Spring 2023


Biblical Archaeology Review

Shlomit Bechar (“Who Lived at Hazor?”) is a research fellow at the Haifa Center for Mediterranean History at the University of Haifa and Director of the Hazor Lower City excavations. She specializes in the transition from the Middle to Late Bronze Ages in northern Israel.

Andrew Burlingame, (“Set in Stone? Another Look at the Mesha Stele”) a specialist in Northwest Semitic languages, is Assistant Professor of Hebrew at Wheaton College, Illinois.

Douglas Clark (“Milestone: Burton MacDonald (1939–2022)”) is Director of the Center for Near Eastern Archaeology at La Sierra University. He co-directs the Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project.

Larry Geraty (“Milestone: Burton MacDonald (1939–2022)”) is President Emeritus of La Sierra University and Associate Director of the Center for Near Eastern Archaeology. He co-directed excavations at Tall al-Umayri.

Jean-Georges Heintz (“Covenants in Context”) is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at the Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Strasbourg, and of Semitic Epigraphy at École du Louvre, Paris.

Larry Herr (“Milestone: Burton MacDonald (1939–2022)”) is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Burman University in Alberta, Canada. He co-directed excavations at Tall al-Umayri.

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