Biblical Archaeology Review 6:1, January/February 1980
Digs and Digging 1980

Volunteer Opportunities in 1980

Volunteers are needed for a score—and more—of excavations during the summer of 1980. The projects listed below include only those excavations that were prepared to announce specific dates, costs and programs by the time we went to press. There will undoubtedly be later additions to the roster of digs in the field this coming summer. BAR will publish an up-date in the March/April issue.

As we said in last year’s round-up, “age need not be a deterrent” to participating in a dig “as long as good health and spirits are there.” While that is still true, potential volunteers of all ages should be aware that all of the digs are strenuous and require minimum participation of at least two weeks time; many require more. Additionally, a few digs insist that all volunteer participants follow the academic program offered at the site in conjunction with the dig. This can mean the normal requirements of any graduate or undergraduate course—reading, papers, exams. However, at least one of the projects we review, the Lahav Research Project, offers two special arrangements of shorter duration in recognition of the more limited vacation time of the non-student.

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