Biblical Archaeology Review 6:1, January/February 1980

Samuel Sandmel Dies

By Hershel Shanks

Biblical Archaeology Review

Samuel Sandmel, a member of BAR’s editorial advisory board and one of the world’s leading Biblical scholars, died on November 4, 1979 at the age of 68.

At the time of his death Sandmel was Professor of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School. He had just moved to Chicago earlier in the year. Previously he had taught for more than 26 years at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Professor Sandmel’s scholarly interests and competence covered an enormous range. He is best known for his commentary entitled The Hebrew Scriptures (Oxford University Press 1978). He served as general editor of the Oxford University Press Study Edition of the New English Bible.

He was also an expert in New Testament studies about which he wrote widely from a Jewish viewpoint. He was passionately involved in promoting better understanding between Jews and Christians, both in his books and lectures. This concern produced A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament (KTAV 1974), We Jews and Jesus (Oxford University Press 1973), When a Jew and Christian Marry (Fortress Press 1977), and many other books and articles.

He even wrote a novel based on the life of Moses. Alone Atop the Mountain (Doubleday 1973).

In 1961 he served as president of the Society of Biblical Literature.

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