Biblical Archaeology Review 7:1, January/February 1981


Biblical Archaeology Review

Facsimile of Dead Sea Scroll Available for Display

An exact-size facsimile of the great Isaiah “A” scroll on simulated parchment paper has been produced by the Dead Sea Scroll Project of the School of Theology in Claremont, California. The Dead Sea Scroll facsimile has been printed from the original color photographs of the scroll. The full 24 feet of the Scroll with its 54 columns of clear Hebrew text, reproducing the entire 66 chapters of Isaiah will be given to churches, synagogues, educational institutions, and interested persons who make a contribution of $35 or more to the Dead Sea Scroll Project. An explanatory text in English accompanies the Isaiah Scroll. The facsimile Scroll makes an impressive and unusual display.

Also available from the Dead Sea Scroll project are microfilms of Cave I manuscripts and fragments, and a slide-lecture entitled, “The Qumran Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls”. The slide-lecture includes 80 color slides, a written text and a 65 minute cassette tape. The slide-lecture may be rented from the Project.

The Dead Sea Scroll Project was established by Dr. John C. Trever to house and preserve a unique photographic record of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The first American to see the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1948 when the first four were brought to the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem by a Syrian monk, Trever immediately made superb color slides of the scrolls. These slides provide the only accurate record of the original documents as they appeared soon after their discovery.

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