Biblical Archaeology Review 7:1, January/February 1981

Books in Brief

Archaeology in the Holy Land (Fourth Edition)

Kathleen M. Kenyon (W. W. Norton and Company, 1979) 360 pp. $18.95.

This is the third time since 1960 that Dame Kathleen Kenyon’s Archaeology in the Holy Land has appeared in a new edition revised by the author herself. This latest edition, in which large parts have been rewritten and to which much new material has been added, was nearly ready for publication when Dame Kathleen died in August 1978. T. A. Holland, for many years Dame Kathleen’s research assistant, deserves our gratitude for having seen this fourth edition through to press.

Since the original book has been known for nearly two decades to hosts of Palestinian archaeologists and students of Biblical archaeology, and has proved to be a reliable guide to archaeological and related historical subject matter of the Holy Land, it is not necessary to review its merits and contents. Suffice it to say that the book fully covers the archaeological material pertaining to Palestine’s checkered history from the earliest prehistoric period to postexilic times.

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