Biblical Archaeology Review 7:2, March/April 1981

Queries & Comments

Questions of Budding Archaeologist Overwhelm BAR Editor

To the Editor:

I am a sixth grade student at the Daniel Oxford school and I was wondering if you could help me. I’m doing a research paper on archaeology and I would like to know if you would send me some pictures, booklets or any other information that you think is necessary. And I also have tons of questions to ask you if you don’t mind.

1. What was the oldest object found in the world?

2. How old was the oldest remains of human bones?

3. How many bones of animals have you found and put together?

4. How old do you have to be to he an archaeologist?

5. Is archaeology hard digging?

6. Is it exciting, do you get scared at first when you see a skeleton bone?

7. Where have you found the most things that have been left in the past?

8. Where do you think the bed of mankind is?

9. Was Mr. & Mrs. Leakey the first to find the oldest human remains in Africa?

10. Do you think there could be any chance of me finding something old in my home? The reason why I asked is because I found some fossils of shells and I think there was a lake or a beach or even a pond near my house. My house is well over a 100 years old. And in our basement I found something shaped like a tooth or an arrowhead. I don’t know what it was but that’s when I got interested in fossils and archaeology. Well I appreciate this chance to talk to you. And I hope you would send the information and the questions I asked you.

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