Biblical Archaeology Review 7:2, March/April 1981

Inside BAR

Biblical Archaeology Review

BAR, Jr., a feature of particular interest to young people and to neophytes in Biblical archaeology, is premiered in this issue of BAR. In our first BAR, Jr., Oded Borowski tells us “How to Tell a Tell.” In future issues, other professionals as well as laypeople will relate personal archaeological experiences and will guide the beginner in the basics of the subject. Oded Borowski was born and raised on a kibbutz in Israel. There he not only raised sheep, grew field crops and cared for orchards but also participated in survey and salvage archaeological excavations. Dr. Borowski, who received his Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Michigan, has dug at Tell Gezer, Tell Dan and the Lahav Research Project (Tell Halif). Now director of the Modern Hebrew Program at Emory University, Borowski lives in Atlanta with his wife, Marcia, and two sons, Jonathan and Orly.

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