Biblical Archaeology Review 7:3, May/June 1981

Queries & Comments

BAR’s Petra Cover

To the Editor:

I was one of the lucky ones last fall—I took the BAS tour to Egypt, Jordan and Israel. One of the many highlights was our trip to Petra. What a thrill to see the Siq on the cover of BAR 07:02! And what a photograph! And what a photographer! Is there any possibility of obtaining a copy of it? Cost is no object (in a manner of speaking).

And speaking of last fall’s tour, Lorna Zimmerman is a real jewel. She went out of her way to see that we were all comfortable, well-fed and well-informed. She’s a perfect travelling companion. I’ve been to Israel several times, but never had so much attention and seen so many things tourists just don’t get to.

I read your magazine from cover to cover as soon as it arrives. My only complaint is that it’s not a weekly—or at least a monthly.

Barbara A. Randolph South Plainfield, New Jersey

We would like to be able to send you a print of the Siq. Unfortunately, we have no prints and to make them would be very costly. Perhaps someday we will print some of our covers without type so that they may be framed.

Other letters on Dr. Hammond’s Petra article (“New Light on the Nabataeans,” BAR 07:02) will appear in our next issue.—Ed.

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