Biblical Archaeology Review 8:3, May/June 1982

Queries & Comments

BAR May Get There Yet

To the Editor:

While I usually write in to pick a bone or two (!), this time I just want to congratulate you on your latest issue. It was the first BAR I can remember which lived up to its name by concentrating on discoveries from the field—and demoting crackpots and pedants to Queries & Comments.

Thank you. You may get there yet!

Tim Hensgen Cincinnati, Ohio

Do you consider yourself a crackpot or a pedant?—Ed.

Cutting Across Many Disciplines

To the Editor:

Thank you for the recent issue featuring musical instruments—an excellent and interesting group of articles. They will be useful in the courses I teach on religion and the arts.

I have also shared my copy of BAR with colleagues in classics, theatre and music as an example of the outstanding work of the journal. It certainly demonstrates the ways in which archaeology cuts across various disciplines.

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