Bible Review 5:4, August 1989

Bible Quiz

Bible Review

Hairy Tales

1. Why did Samson let his hair grow uncut?

2. 1 Timothy 2:9 says that women should be dressed modestly and sensibly, without gold or pearls or expensive clothes, and without a particular hairstyle. What hairdo incurred this proscription?

3. In what fashion must lepers wear their hair, according to Leviticus 13:45?

4. Who lifted the prophet Ezekiel up by his hair?

5. Which prophet was told to use a sharp sword to cut his hair and beard and then to weigh the hair on scales and divide it into thirds?

6. Who bathed Jesus’ feet with tears and wiped them with her hair?

7. To what animal do two biblical love poems compare the beloved’s hair?

8. Who said “even the hairs of your head are all numbered”?

9. Whose hair weighed about five pounds when he cut it?

10. Which tribe had warriors so skilled that they “could sling a stone at a hair and not miss”?

Prepared by Diane Plucinski Heinzelman, a BR reader in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Ms. Heinzelman holds an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry from Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut.


1. Because he was a Nazirite. Nazirites themselves to God by taking special vows (Numbers 6:1–21), one of which was to leave their hair uncut. When angel foretold Samson’s birth to Samson’s mother, the angel said, “No razor come shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb…” (Judges 13:5).

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