Bible Review 8:2, April 1992

Bible Quiz

Bible Review


1. How many times does the Bible mention the birth of twins?

2. Identify the two women in the Bible who died during childbirth.

3. Who kicked strongly inside the womb of his mother?

4. Which biblical book mentions two persons who were lame from birth?

5. Who is the priest who describes a stillborn child?

6. What agricultural metaphor is used to describe the growing fetus in the womb and especially the safely born infant?

7. Which prophet frequently compares contemporary historical events with the pain and struggle of childbirth?

8. Elisha purifies waters that were believed to be the cause of what obstetric problem?

9. How was salt used to treat newborn infants?

10. The Old Testament mentions control once. What is the method?

Prepared by Richard N. Jones, Near East Antiquity Consultation Group, Inc.; and Department of Human Trace Metals Analysis, Associated Regional and University Pathologists, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah.

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