Biblical Archaeology Review 8:1, January/February 1982


Biblical Archaeology Review

ASOR Chooses New Officers

A changing of the guard will take place at the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), America’s prestigious archaeological academy, when a new generation of scholars assumes office in July. The newly-elected president is James A. Sauer, Professor of Syro-Palestinian archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania. Sauer served as director of the American Center of Oriental Research in Amman for six years before coming to the University of Pennsylvania. He is also curator of Syro-Palestinian archaeology at the University Museum.

The new First Vice-President (for Publications) is Eric M. Meyers. Meyers is director of the cooperative program in Judaic Studies at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has directed five major excavations in Israel and Italy, most recently, one in which a long lost synagogue ark was recovered in Upper Galilee (see “Finders of a Real Lost Ark,” BAR 07:06). As First Vice-President, Meyers will oversee all ASOR publications including the Bulletin (BASOR), the Annuals and the Newsletter.

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