Biblical Archaeology Review 38:5, September/October 2012

Strata: Goren Bars Students from Publishing in BAR

Following an article criticizing his scholarship,a Tel Aviv University Professor Yuval Goren decided that he himself would never write for BAR and neither would students whose projects he supervised.

When we invited Professor Goren or one of his students or colleagues to describe for BAR readers a method he invented for establishing the provenance of clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform letters without taking a chip or a slice of the actual tablet, he replied as follows:

“I will never publish anything in BAR, be it this study, the results of my excavations this summer in Tel Sochoh of the royal Judahite workshop that produced the LMLK jars, or any other research. My students too will never publish in BAR anything that they did under my tutoring. We tend to publish our researches in journals with higher profile of scientific integrity.”

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