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Biblical Archaeology Review 46:4, Fall 2020


Biblical Archaeology Review

Yosef Garfinkel (“The Face of Yahweh?”) is the Yigael Yadin Chair in Archaeology of Israel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In addition to publishing the results of his excavations at Khirbet Qeiyafa, he currently directs excavations at Tel Lachish and Khirbet Arai.

Edward L. Greenstein (Book Review: “Bible and Bedouin”) is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. A prolific author in biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies, he has recently published Job: A New Translation, with Yale University Press.

Shuichi Hasegawa (“Who Built Tel Rekhesh?”) is a Professor at Rikkyo University in Tokyo and codirector of the excavations at Tel Rekhesh. He specializes in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Near East.

Lee M. Jefferson (“Jesus the Magician?”) is an Associate Professor of Religion at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. His area of interest is the development of the Christian tradition and art and imagery of Late Antiquity.

Hisao Kuwabara (“Who Built Tel Rekhesh?”) serves on the Faculty of Letters in the Department of History and Culture Studies at Tenri University. He codirects excavations at Tel Rekhesh.

Yitzhak Paz (“Who Built Tel Rekhesh?”) is a Senior Research Archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority and codirects excavations at Tel Rekhesh. His research specialties include biblical archaeology, landscape archaeology, and ancient warfare.

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