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Biblical Archaeology Review 4:1, March 1978

Invitation to a Summer's Dig

By Suzanne F. Singer

As in years past summer is the time for old hands and new adventurers—young and not so young—to join archaeological excavations in the Holy Land.

There are many opportunities in 1978, some of which offer academic credit for the work-study of the summer.

Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology will be digging at three sites; Aphek (Antipatris), Tell Lachish, and Tell Michal.

Aphek was one of the largest and most important Biblical cities, strategically located at the source of the Yarkon River (near modern Tel Aviv) on the Israelite-Philistine border. Six seasons of excavations at Aphek have already revealed that the settlement flourished as far back as the Early Bronze age (3rd millennium B.C.). From the Late Bronze period (16th–13th centuries B.C.) remains of a Canaanite palace have been found. In New Testament times, Aphek became Antipatris, a city built by Herod the Great. The apostle Paul passed Antipatris on his way to Caesarea (Acts 23:31).

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