Biblical Archaeology Review

Biblical Archaeology Review is the flagship publication of the Biblical Archaeology Society. For more than 40 years it has been making the world of archaeology in the lands of the Bible come alive for the interested layperson. Full of vivid images and articles written by leading scholars, this is a must read for anyone interested in the archaeology of the ancient Near East.

The Amorites and the Bible

The biblical authors depict the Amorites as one of early Israel’s fiercest opponents. Although they are credited with impressive, well-fortified towns and massive monuments, the Amorites are also condemned for idolatry. Who were these legendary figures, why do they receive such pointed condemnation, and how did the landscape of Canaan influence the biblical depiction?

Jerusalem’s Temple Treasures: Where Did They Go?

According to the Book of Ezra, the looted treasures of Solomon’s Temple returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian Exile. An enigmatic Hebrew treatise, however, suggests the precious implements never made it back. Instead, they were reportedly hidden somewhere in Babylonia, waiting to reveal themselves at the coming of the messiah. Explore what the Treatise of the Vessels says about the lost treasures of the First Temple.

The Rise of the Maccabees

The Maccabees created an independent Jewish kingdom in the second century BCE. Their success was a testament to their zeal—and some significant external factors. The Book of 1 Maccabees tells the story of their rise, while archaeology places the story within a larger historical and political context. Tour the region, previously controlled by a long list of empires, that became Maccabean territory.