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Bible Review, June 1992




A case of sexual harassment in ancient Babylon

By Carey A. Moore

True or not, Anita Hill told the story of her alleged sexual harassment by the now-Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to a nationwide television audience of millions, fascinated by the drama of sex and power. But Susanna was never given the opportunity to tell how she had...Read more ›

New Light on the Pharisees

Insights from the Dead Sea Scrolls

By Lawrence H. Schiffman

The texts from Qumran lead us to a new understanding of the history of Judaism in the Second Temple period. Initial research on the scrolls naturally concentrated on the Dead Sea Scroll sect. But the full corpus will teach us a tremendous amount about other Jewish groups...Read more ›

Were Words Separated in Ancient Hebrew Writing?

By Alan R. Millard

Twice in recent issues of Bible Review, in otherwise excellent articles, Harvey Minkoff has asserted that “Ancient [Hebrew] manuscripts generally did not leave space between words.”a Writing without word divisions is called scriptio continua, or continuous writing. Ancient Greek was commonly written like that. Stone monuments from...Read more ›


Bible Books

Reviewed by Marcus J. BorgMicheal FishbaneRonald S. HendelJames LimburgJane Schaberg