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Biblical Archaeology Review, January/February 1984



Probable Head of Priestly Scepter from Solomon’s Temple Surfaces in Jerusalem

Inscription containing name of God incised on ivory pomegranate

By André Lemaire

BAR recently published a fascinating article by Gabriel Barkay reporting on his excavation of a small rolled silver amulet, dating from the seventh or sixth century B.C. When the amulet was unrolled, it was found to contain the tetragrammaton—the four Hebrew letters yod, he, waw, he that...Read more ›

Child Sacrifice at Carthage—Religious Rite or Population Control?

Archaeological evidence provides basis for a new analysis

By Lawrence E. StagerSamuel Wolff

“Tophet” is a Biblical word. It is the name of a place that was on the south side of ancient Jerusalem in the Valley of Ben-Hinnom, where the Israelites sacrificed their children by fire. It may even refer to the altar on which the...Read more ›

Nag Hammadi Codices Shed New Light on Early Christian History

The Gnostic Gospel according to Pagels

By James Brashler

It is a long way from the Nile Valley of Egypt to the front page of The New York Review of Books but the fascinating story of The Gnostic Gospels (Random House, 1979) by Elaine Pagels has traveled that far. Books written by good scholars seldom achieve...Read more ›

The Book Albright Never Finished

All efforts at publication now ended

By Siegfried H. Horn

One of the greatest Biblical archaeologists of the 20th century, William Foxwell Albright, left an unfinished book manuscript when he died in 1971. But this is no secret to his friends, students and admirers. BAR readers were told of the manuscript’s existence nine years ago (see “Major...Read more ›

Excavation Opportunities 1984

You can dig at Tell el-‘Umeiri in Jordan, a tell that has never been dug. You can explore David’s Jerusalem, where several bullae or letter seals bearing names of First Temple period Jerusalem residents have been discovered. You can don scuba gear and descend to the first...Read more ›
