Biblical Archaeology Review 10:1, January/February 1984


Biblical Archaeology Review

McCarter, Muhly, and Strange Join BAR Editorial Advisory Board

Three distinguished scholars, P. Kyle McCarter, James D. Muhly and James F. Strange, have joined BAR’s Editorial Advisory Board.

McCarter is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. He is the author of the Anchor Bible volumes on the books of Samuel and of The Antiquity of the Greek Alphabet and the Early Phoenician Scripts (Scholars Press, 1975). McCarter has conducted extensive research on Hebrew and Phoenician inscriptions and is currently working on a study of Israelite religion during the monarchy period.

During the past two summers, Dr. McCarter has served on the faculty of Vacation Seminars sponsored by the Biblical Archaeology Society. This year he will be one of the leaders of the first BAS Advanced Vacation Seminar, which is designed for people who have already attended Vacation Seminars or who would like more than an introduction to Biblical archaeology.

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