Biblical Archaeology Review 43:6, November/December 2017

Queries & Comments

Kudos on Canny Insights

Let me express my deep appreciation for your good work. I have appreciated so much reading BAR down through the years, even the so-called controversial issues. But especially Claude Doumet-Serhal’s article on Sidon (“Sidon—Canaan’s Firstborn,” BAR, July/August 2017), which gave new insights into Canaanite religion. I have studied the Ugaritic materials, but this article and others in BAR have been extremely helpful to me in teaching of the Old Testament Prophets.

The endnotes in BAR articles are very helpful and important. I studied at Dropsie College in Philadelphia under the late Moshe Held, whose writings consisted more of footnotes than text. Keep up the good work.

Paul R. Gilchrist Retired Professor of Biblical Literature Covenant College Lookout Mountain, Georgia
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