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Biblical Archaeology Review, November/December 2017



Roman Cult, Jewish Rebels Share Jerusalem Cave Site

By Boaz ZissuEitan KleinRoi PoratBoaz LangfordAmos Frumkin

The Te’omim Cave—on the outskirts of Jerusalem—served as a refuge for Jewish rebels during the Bar-Kokhba Revolt (132–136 C.E.) and later as a pagan cultic site in the second–fourth centuries C.E. See why this extraordinary cave was chosen for both of these purposes—and much more.Read more ›

Phoenicia and Its Special Relationship with Israel

By Ephraim Stern

With a commercial empire that lasted a millennium, the Phoenicians were major players in the ancient Mediterranean world. Spreading their culture and goods, they came into contact with many different groups, but their relationship with the Israelites was distinct. Join Ephraim Stern as he explores the Phoenicians’ identity and interactions with their close neighbor and ally, Israel.Read more ›

Have We Found Naboth’s Vineyard at Jezreel?

By Norma FranklinJennie EbelingPhilippe GuillaumeDeborah Appler

The Biblical story of Naboth and his vineyard have come to life in a recent excavation at Jezreel, where archaeologists excavated an Iron Age winery at the foot of Tel Jezreel. Here, the authors describe their discovery and explain why they believe that they have located the famed vineyard of Naboth.Read more ›

Going to the Bathroom at Lachish

By Saar GanorIgor Kreimerman

An ancient stone toilet recently unearthed at Lachish may provide archaeological evidence of King Hezekiah’s religious reforms throughout Judah in the eighth century B.C.E. The toilet had been placed in what is interpreted to be a gate-shrine within the largest ancient city gate found in Israel.Read more ›
