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Biblical Archaeology Review, March/April 1982


Special Section


Archaeological Stumpers

Mysterious tomb offerings challenge the imagination

BAR readers suggested some imaginative, useful and even humorous functions for the puzzling clay tootsie-rolls that were found at Biblical Lachish (“Mystery Find at Lachish,” BAR 05:05). There is a difference, however, between the Lachish tootsie-rolls and the archaeological stumpers which follow. The Lachish tootsie-rolls are unique...Read more ›

BAR Jr.: On the Surface

By Hershel Shanks

If archaeology is anything, it is excavation. What archaeologists do is dig. Their trademark is the pick. They also use the shovel, patishe, trowel and other instruments to remove earth so they can find out what is underneath. Yet some things are on the surface. Right there...Read more ›

Jerusalem Couple Excavates Under Newly Built Home in Search of Their Roots

Residence to become museum to display finds

By Leroy AaronsGoldie Feinsilver

“Pouring into the alleys [of the Upper City], sword in hand, they massacred indiscriminately all whom they met, and burnt the houses with all who had taken refuge within. … running everyone through who fell in their way, they choked the alleys with corpses and deluged the...Read more ›

BAS Photo Contest

Long after the memories of heat and discomfort have faded, participants in the Biblical Archaeology Society six-week Israel Summer Seminar will cherish their photographic records of the summer’s experiences and adventures. Upon their return to the United States, the Israel summer seminarians submitted their photographs and slides...Read more ›
