Biblical Archaeology Review 8:2, March/April 1982

Queries & Comments

Goedicke Defends His Exodus Thesis

To the Editor:

You have repeatedly invited me to respond to criticisms of my thesis concerning the Exodus. While I advocate academic discussion before the public, especially when wide-ranging interests are involved, I generally prefer to handle personal disagreements in private. Professor Oren’s critique (“How Not To Create A History Of The Exodus—A Critique Of Professor Goedicke’s Theories,” BAR 07:06) blisters of misstatements. I tried in vain to have him correct them. My objections filled three pages, and I do not want to go into all these details. I would rather concentrate on two points as a demonstration. In my text, with which you and Professor Oren are familiar, I have never used the term “Hebrews,” which would invoke associations that are premature at this point of historical research. Second, Tell el-Rataba is the concession of the Johns Hopkins University and is being excavated under my direction. Professor Oren is in no position to make any statements about the site or its archaeological evidence.

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