Biblical Archaeology Review 8:2, March/April 1982

Books in Brief

The Archeology of the New Testament: The Mediterranean World of the Early Christian Apostles

Jack Finegan (Westview Press: Boulder, Colorado; Croom Helm: London) 250 pp., 35 maps and plans, 126 illustrations, $36.50

Professor Finegan has provided in this volume the long-awaited sequel to The Archeology of the New Testament (Princeton University Press, 1969). The first volume concerned itself with archaeological sites connected with the life of Jesus and with the beginning of the early church in Jerusalem. The wider canvas of the Diaspora and the Roman Empire were reserved for the second volume, published now in a smaller format than the first, but equally as well-illustrated and lucidly written.

The organization of this book follows the Acts of the Apostles. Thus, the primary focus is on sites associated with the life of Paul, from Tarsus in Asia Minor to Damascus and Antioch in Syria. A secondary discussion includes the cities visited on the apostle’s missionary journeys ending in Rome. Finegan excels at combining reports and descriptions from historical and archaeological sources in a way that allows the reader to visualize the settings of the events recorded in the New Testament. Sketch maps of various cities and copious illustrations complement the text. For anyone following in the footsteps of Paul, whether literally or as an arm-chair traveler, this book is the guide to have and use.

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