Biblical Archaeology Review

Biblical Archaeology Review is the flagship publication of the Biblical Archaeology Society. For more than 40 years it has been making the world of archaeology in the lands of the Bible come alive for the interested layperson. Full of vivid images and articles written by leading scholars, this is a must read for anyone interested in the archaeology of the ancient Near East.


Shlomit Bechar (“Who Lived at Hazor?”) is a research fellow at the Haifa Center for Mediterranean History at the University of Haifa and Director of the Hazor Lower City excavations. She specializes in the transition from the Middle to Late Bronze Ages in northern Israel.

BAS Publication Awards Announcement


BAS Publication Awards

Nominations are invited for the 2023 Biblical Archaeology Society Publication Awards, for books published in 2021 and 2022.

The biennial BAS Publication Awards for books about archaeology and the Bible have been presented since 1985. These prestigious awards have been made possible by a grant from: The Rohr Family in memory of Sami Rohr.

Queries & Comments

Out of the Park

Your Fall 2022 issue hit it out of the park! It’s common for me to find one or two articles per issue that I’m interested in. But I found every single article in this issue deeply interesting.


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